What's coming next...

First day of Easter, Good Friday. It’s been a pretty productive day for me today. I got a bunch of stuff cleaned up with the website here, both visible and not. It’ll be a lot easier to do changes to the theme now because I’m expecting I’ll need to do tweaks… I like it minimal, but I also want to do lots of cool stuff with this site so I need to be able to modify and extend it!

I honestly haven’t done anything for Easter. Probably won’t. I’m not religious so all Easter means to me is chocolate and I’ve had plenty of that since Valentine’s Day. Easter is too soon, too soon I say!

I’ve been thinking about what I want to write here and I think I’d like to write some short stories. Maybe make some of them about my own experiences, perhaps not. I’ll end up talking here about my own experiences as things come up anyway.

I’ve been trying to learn Japanese for some 6 months now. It’s hard to stick with it but I’m making a renewed push. こんにちは! It’d be nice to do this website bilingual as a form of writing practice, but I’m nowhere near knowledgeable for that yet. The software I’m using does support it though, so keep your eyes pealed for that if you’re interested.